Mr Sentra's Home Page
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Welcome to my Sentra web page!

Here's a site that I made dedicated to my 2000 Sentra. Okay, so you think I'm crazy? Of course I am! What would a guy do without a guy hobby? I've also started to learn more about HTML code and whatnot, so please be patient with me as I try new stuff on my site.

I want to give a home page shout out to my boy's websites, Shawn and Jon. Thanks for everything and we still have a long way to go!

If you're new and not from around here, please take a look around at each page to see new pics and new information updated sort of frequently. As you can tell, we're car nuts here!

Please check out the newest addition, our DvS TUNiNG Forums!

DVS Tuning Updates!
6.5.02 Well, just got back from the underway period and we're getting ready to go to Hot Import Nights in Atlantic City, New Jersey on the 15th! Tickets are ordered and hotel is reserved.

6.21.02 Well, after HIN, we're pretty beat up. The week was long and we just relaxed and did absolutely nothing, except install my front lip spoiler kit! HIN was decent, but I thought it could have been better

6.23.02 Went to Battle of the Imports yesterday and guess what? We decided to show the cars! Didn't get anything cause my car isn't and wasn't ready to show, but I did have a great time!

6.28.02 Wow, what a night! Shawn and I went to drag the cars and I got a best time of 15.901 on the 1/4 mile. That's pretty decent for my first time out to the track ever! Shawn's best was a 15.88.

6.29.02 DvS TUNiNG goes to a picnic! We had a great turn out with the crew, plus a few guests. Washed cars, ate, ate again at Applebee's, then went and saw Minority Report!

7.5.02 Jon, Cameron, Bree, Amber and I went to Virginia Motorsports Park and went drag racing! Best time is here. All I can say is that what a night! Track conditions kept getting worse, but overall a great night!

7.18.02 Haven't updated in awile, but we went and washed the cars and just chilled out. As you can tell by some of the pics on the homepage, we had a pretty nice day out with a great day to take pics! Terrance just put a banner decal on his car the other day, while my slack ass hasn't gotten one yet. I'm the weak link!!

7.21.02 A few of us went to the B15 MD meet yesterday. I'm very glad that Tre hooked it up and that I got the chance to meet peoples from the forums! Photos are here! Jon helps me touch up my valve cover lettering. I don't have a steady hand!

8.13.02 Well, the team met up at my pad and drove up to Sonic's. We had a blast and gawked over Pao's new rollers. Dallas made an appearance, as he's ready for his "initiation". Nice to have a Spec V on the team! I have a picture here.

8.17.02 Shawn, Jon, Dallas and I went to the drag races Friday. We all made it to the second round, but lost. Sucks to be us. I run my personal best.

10.4.02 The team went to Abacus Racing to get Jon's Eclipse and my Sentra dyno'ed! I came out with this dyno sheet. Not too bad, huh?? It was an improvement of approx. 15 horses peak from the last time.

10.24.02 WOW has it been awile to update this! Last weekend at Xtreme Nationals, the team had a blast! Shawn saw a 15.357@87.09MPH, his best so far and I saw a 15.308@88.56MPH! We also helped install Cameron's Progress Springs today. Took just a bit over an hour from start to finish.

11.08.02 Well, won a trophy at Street Wars Dinwiddie, VA last night. I'm super happy about it! Not much else to say.

Tech Stuff
You're probably familiar with some technical stuff with your ride already, but I decided to add this to my home page to give you all the skinny on what I'm trying to do. First off, everything on my car has been installed by me, except for my underdrive pulleys(I was lame and didn't want to try for the third time to do it myself, considering that I needed my own pulley puller) and springs.

6.29.02After the picnic, I helped install a Injen Cold Air Intake in my boy T's brand new Altima 2.5 S. Having everyone and their mother there to help was also really great! I'm glad that I got my hands all dirty and I knew it wouldn't be that hard!

7.17.02 Shawn and I had a rough time installing his Unorthodox Racing Crank Pulley! Shawn busted his ass to get that thing on, but went it came time to get the stock crank pulley out, it got the best of him. Why in the hell are those things so tough to get off anyways??

8.12.02 Speaking of tough, how about trying to install an aftermarket shift knob? After trying to twist the stock one off, I went a got a vise grip and it still didn't want to come off! So....I ended up cutting it up and it finally wanted to come off. Ended up installing my MOMO knob vice the Ichibahn one cause I thought I was missing parts for the Ichibahn one and I kinda got confused, but figured it out with the MOMO one. Stay tuned for the short shifter install!

8.18.02 Installed the short shifter with the help of Jon and Cameron. What a PITA! I have decided when I get off my lazy ass, I will make a Technical Page devoted to all my installations.

8.19.02 Got the heat shield to fit without any rubbing from the shifter. It took about 45 mins to adjust and cut a few pieces from it. Overall, I'm happy I took the time to do it.

10.1.02 Header installed! Dallas and I did it ourselves with most of the credit going to Dallas. I just get frusterated, as you can tell. Most of the installation was breaking loose the bolts, everything else went pretty smooth. Thank god for PB Blaster and a breaker bar, not to mention the impact gun!

10.24.02 I helped Cameron install his Progress springs! It was a LOT easier than I thought it was going to be. Not hard, and if anyone needs help, contact me about it!

11.08.02 T's Stillen header installed a week ago! I didn't get a chance to update this till now. The install went fairly straightforward, but I would NOT recommend this header. The reason being is that it gets rid of both CATS and the second O2 sensor isn't really "installed". Other than that, the power increase was very real for the butt dynos.

New Content (December 1st, 2002)
So, I don't update the site as often as I used to. What are you going to do about it? Anyways, we just been busy fine tuning our cars and helping each other out getting every single mod installed by the end of the year. This past weekend was great, and I have pics to show for it, but I haven't downloaded all the ones I took yet. Look for various pics around the site.

It's funny, but I've almost run out of easy mods to work on for now. My next step is Motivational Coilovers. The only problem is funds. I've got to save save save!

Check back later when we get more team pics up and maybe soon, we'll have a considated site for all the information for the team. Take care and check back here soon!

Check out Nissan Performance Magazine to see my car featured for the month of December 2002!

ALSO, we have a new website for the team, like I promised so long ago! Team DvS TUNiNG's Home Page!.

Please check it out!!!

B15 Public Forums
Care to find out where I get my info from? How about people to meet, and other Sentra's to look at? Do you have a cold air intake question? Do you one day aspire to be known as a "Sentra Post Whore"? (Gene, you know I'm messin man!) Look no further and head to the Ultimate Bulletin Board that insures that you leave much more smarter and tougher on the streets and on the strip!
Public Forums